Source: https://youmatter.world/app/uploads/sites/2/2019/01/globalization-definition-benefits-effects-examples.jpg
| Supporting Reasons Matrix
Globalization is a broad word with different branches but they are all linked with the same meaning. It is the means of interacting among other people from around the world, even if we are all living in different countries. But it is also a way for people to integrate different companies, products, governments, etc. around the world. However, there is an even bigger question within all this: does Globalization unite or divide the world? Look, Globalization accelerated and growing bigger in the 18th Century, thanks to many advancements of technology. However, with the use and help of globalization, everyone can have a better understanding from other countries. Every single person can share what they learn to other people and around the world, and those plans may come into help with globalization. So now, let's start talking about those facts.
Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/393150242451071916/ |
The first thing to discuss about is giving access to new and different cultures in some parts of the world. Now, culture carries a strong part in people's lives because it shows how they view certain things, understanding their values, and how they act around other people. As stated earlier, globalization have different branches to certain connections and one of which is culture globalization. Culture globalization states that it is a phenomenon by everyday life experience with the influence of diffusing different commodities and ideas that reflects the efficiency of expressions of culture, around the world. Another description of culture globalization is exchanging of ideas, values and meanings around the world to improve their connection with social relations within different cultures. Now, culture is very important in remembering how there are certain cultures that have something in common. We don't want to live in a world where everything is divided from each other, especially culture, right? Even if the people see the world differently than others because of their culture, they know what they are doing and understand through their routines in their everyday lives.
Source: https://miro.medium.com/max/11180/1*U6VIU_lFdUPgIuxyaKtYVg.jpeg |
Another key factor to know about is giving people higher standards in living in another country. Now, everyone knows that there are many people that want to live in a different country. There are many reasons for those people who want to go or move to another country; they want to have a better life for themselves and their family, finding a better job employment to earn more money, or get a better feeling of what it's like to be living in a different country, but that also means something for globalization to be coming in this part. Stated in a blog, extreme poverty was decreased by 35% during the year of the 1990, according by the World Bank. However, there is a planned target of the first Millennium Development goal to cut down the poverty rate in 1990 by half in 2015, which was a success because it was scheduled five years ahead. Now, in 2010, there are nearly 1.1 billion people, around the world, are living out of extreme poverty, but this has dropped significantly by 9.2 percent in 2017. As we know, the COVID-19 Pandemic is hitting the world in 2020, which was the year that global extreme poverty was expected to rise in that year. However, due to COVID, it compounds to forces of conflict and climate change to hit which already shows the slow progress of poverty reduction in the world.
Source: https://images.propertycasualty360.com/contrib/content/uploads/sites/414/2018/10/3-steps-tech-modernization-Feature-1.jpeg |
Source: https://nextgen.web.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/web-_0009_tech4businessnow.jpg |
Source: https://37xgz2ogk9n33zvi841wv6y1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/11/MindMap.jpeg |
As globalization improves overtime, through the years, it is safe to say that there would be new, many and different kinds of projects that would sustainable in changing the world. With advancements happening every single day, like the making of the vaccine to fight against COVID-19, but another thing that has been advancing with improving functions and features are the uses of technology in the world. Now, the main era for technology to come through to the world is in the 18th century, which is also the same century that globalization started moving for everyone around the world. This brings in to our third and final key factor, globalization helps in spreading new technology and innovation. Now, this is no big secret or news to begin with. Technology has been improving and advancing itself throughout the years with the help of many ideas, innovations, and projects from around the world. One blog study states that globalization helped in amplifying the spread of technology in the world through the use of two different ways. The first one is gaining better access to foreign knowledge, like different news and projects from one country and another, and the second is increasing the international competition, which is the rising applications of emerging market firms. Why is matters for technology to spread across the globe? Technology is used in the technological process to drive improvements in both incomes and standards of living. Technology is the central process of generating global growth and is being shared across the world. When technology improves with more advancements, then globalization would also increase as well.
Source: https://www.theredwood.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Donate.jpg |
With so many advancements happening around the world, whether it'd be small or big, point is that we should all be working together. Sure, that other people would be criticizing that globalization is doing something wrong with the world and would lead to certain problems in our society. But let's understand and face of facts of reality. We should be working together in making a difference for the world. If there's small criticism happening anywhere, it could lead to major bits of damage to people who are making a difference in the world and changing it as time passes. Working together, hand-in-hand, whether near or far, different is equality, we are sharing our ideas to make a change. And those ideas and changes can make a difference, especially in these trying times of the virus pandemic happening.
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